In the time for servicing your car, most likely you may not be aware of where to turn. Some people may advise you on going to an authorized agent or getting back to the dealer who sold you the car. Many people do assume that having your car serviced by any other person different from the agent of the company that sold you the car may terminate the warrant. Although you can have your vehicle serviced at any place without having your warrant contract terminated it’s always good to observe some conditions. The following facts on servicing your car will ensure that you maintain your car in the best condition while protecting the contract you have with the seller company.
1. Warranted vehicle warrant
Always take a car covered under warrant back to the dealer for servicing if any problem arises. The dealer is always under a mandate to offer the service for free under the warrant.
2. Used and new vehicle servicing
The dealers always insist that any servicing done on a vehicle they sell to you should be by a qualified staff. Additionally, the qualifications of the staff should be according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Most of the vehicle dealers would like the servicing staff to use only genuine parts with the appropriate quality. If you follow all the dealers specifications, your vehicle warranty will remain intact without necessarily choosing where to take your vehicle for servicing.
3. Qualified servicing staff
A qualified staff is personnel other than the dealer who is qualified in servicing the vehicle. Some of the servicing persons will display their qualifications certificates on their place of work which makes it easier for you to identify the qualified service men. If you are not sure about the qualifications of the staff it’s always better to ask other than terminate your contract.
4. The manufacturer’s specifications
You have rights and remedies against an agent who implies that he/she can service a car in the specifications of the manufacturer but fails to adhere to them. If an agent fails to adhere to those specifications you can follow the right steps without caring whether the agent has factory qualifications or not.
5. Genuine and quality parts
The person who manufactures the parts is always irrelevant and the only consideration is on the fitness of the parts for the intended usage. If the part is not genuine but is interchangeable with the worn out part, it can be fit for the servicing without affecting the cars warranty. In case the part fails or does not perform satisfactorily after the installation, the consumer will have rights against the fitter or the producer of the part. Further, if the part happens to fail and in turn causes other damages to the vehicle, both the manufacturer of the car and the dealer will not be liable for any damage caused by the part. As a consumer, you should always practice adequate research and take your car to the right agent with the right qualifications to keep your warranty safe.
6. Sticking to a routine servicing schedule
Simple tasks like keeping your vehicle tires inflated, proper lubrication of the moving parts and ensuring that both the ignition and emission systems are operating properly will increase the life of your car and ensure that all the systems are operating efficiently.
7. Changing your battery
Cold and heat affects your car battery and if it dies you should consult before doing a purchase. Buying an incorrect battery will increase your costs and even damage your vehicle. To do the battery maintenance it is good to rely on a car repair service agent.
What is a Car warranty?
A car warranty is a special document delivered together with your car after the purchase of the car. The car warranty has to be in a form of an assurance or in form of a guarantee that will provide the purchaser a form of repayment or a replacement, in case the vehicle purchased does not perform as expected or fails to operate. Many vehicle companies will offer the car warranties in form of a contract. In the contract the company has to list all the specific functions and the features of the vehicle. If some of the parts fail to function the company may replace them refund the purchaser as specified.
Types of car warranty
There are two types of car warranty: those offered by the manufacturer and those offered in the market. The purpose of the car warranty is to provide compensation in form of money or replacement to the purchaser regardless of the type. The manufacturer’s warranties cover on new vehicles and mostly cover the engine or the power train and other major parts of the vehicle.
The manufacturers offer the warranty only for a limited period of time or for a certain number of miles. All the car warranties in the market differ widely depending on the items covered and the time or miles to be covered. Some companies may cover anything aligned to the motor vehicle for a period of ten years while others will only cover failure of power transmissions or total breakdowns, the engine or any other major part within the car.
In addition to the vehicle warranties, you get from the manufacturers, insurance companies also gives some car warranties. The warrant they offer is in the form of aftermarket warranty and may last longer and even mention some of the parts that the producer company never mentioned. For example the manufacturers warranty will never cover some parts that are highly susceptible to wear and tear like the brakes and drive belts. An insurance company on the other hand goes ahead to covering the parts and also their subsequent repairs.
The aftermarket car warranties may cover both the used and new cars and covers several components of the vehicle depending on the specifics of any warranty contract. The manufacturers warranty moves to the purchaser of the vehicle in case the user sells it as a second hand vehicle. Mostly a second hand car warranty is usually expired and therefore it is always good to have some checkups on the car before the purchasing.