7 Hidden Benefits Of Car Servicing
November 29, 2019
How To Review Your Car Servicing Needs?
November 29, 2019Step By Step Guide On Car Servicing

If you use a car, then you must need to pay minute attention on the car servicing as well. Proper services and maintained of your car will help you get optimum performance with it and it will also make your vehicle highly reliable in every condition or situation. That means it will remain reliable and dependable for you and you will not have to invest a lot of money as well in it. Make a plan of work: In order to do your car servicing, it is advised that you make a plan for same. If you don’t have a plan for same, then you would not be able to finish the work in a proper manner. In this plan for car servicing, you should follow a simple TOW-BIF rule. This TOW-BIF stands for the tires, oil, windshield, brakes and fluids and if you can take good care of these things, then you can certainly do your car servicing in a proper manner.
Check your tires:
In your car servicing, first of all, you should check the tires of your car. If your car tires are not properly inflated, then you will find it impossible to drive your car in a proper manner. Also, if your car tires are not properly aligned, then it will be very unsafe for you to drive your car on the roads. Other than this, you should also check the wear on your car. If you have any kind of wear tear in your car tyres, then you should replace it as soon as possible. In case of pressure issue or alignment issues, make sure you resolve those problems as well.
Change oil of your car:
Oil of your car is like blood for your car engine. If you don’t have proper level of car oil, then your car engine will not proper smoothly and if your run your car without oil for some time, then it may siege your engine. Ideally, you should change the oil of your car after every 3000 kilometres and it will be the best way of car servicing for you. Even some oil makers claim their oil can last for 10000 kilometres, but in that situation also, you should not use it beyond 5000 kilometres.
Check your windshield:
If your windshield is not properly clean then you will end up having various issues in your driving. If you have any kind of damage to your windshield, then you should get it repaired as soon as possible. Also, if you notice your windows have any kind of complications or any other issues then you should get that repaired. Along with this, you should also check other windows of your car and if you notice any issue, then you should repair that as we well.
Check breaks:
Your breaks are the lifeline of your car and you must check that as well in your car servicing. If your breaks are not working properly, then it can make your vulnerable with the accident. I don’t have to explain this simple fact to you that if your car breaks are not working properly, then it will be a big security risk for you and you and your family. This is very important that if you notice any problem in your car brake, then you should get it checked urgently and you should get it repaired without any delays to have better safety of your car.
Check car battery:
A properly working car battery is very important for your car and you should check that in your car servicing as well. Your car battery is responsible for the starting of your car and it does many other functions as well. If your car battery has any kind of problem in it, then you will find it really hard to start your car. That is why you should keep this thing in your mind and you should do all the things needed for your car battery. That will help you get a really good result and you will be able to have a car that is free from any kind of problem.
Clean the interior:
Check the interior of your car while doing the car servicing. In this interior, you should not only check the tapestry of your car and its interior, but you should also check other factors such as seat belts, head rest and other things. If these other things are not in good condition, then it will be a big security issue for everyone in the car. Checking these things should not be very difficult and it will take only a small time, so you shall not miss the same in any condition.
Check car lights:
If you don’t have a properly working headlight, then driving your car at the night time will be going on the path of suicide. You never know what comes in front of your car and in the night time, only your lights give you that information. Along with headlight, you must have proper tell lights as well. Properly working tell lights are also very important because head light help you see in front while tell lights inform other people about your car in the night time. Other than this, your indicator lights also play a crucial role in your car and you should check that as well in your car servicing.
Check all the fluids:
Indeed, engine oil is the most primary fluid that you would have to check in your car servicing, but that is not the only fluid in your car. Your car AC can have coolant in it and if that coolant level is low, then it will not only affect your comfort, but it will affect the performance of your car as well. Apart from that, your car will have other fluids such as windshield washer, steering fluid, fluid for transmission, brake fluid and many another type of fluids as per need. So, make sure you check that as well in your car servicing to avoid any issues at a later time.