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October 30, 2022Things That Happen If A Car Is Not Serviced Regularly

What are the things that can happen if a car is not serviced regularly? If you are considering buying a car, you must understand that the most important thing is to keep it running smoothly.
The lack of maintenance will make your vehicle run into more trouble and it’ll be less likely for you to enjoy safe driving.
For example, if your car is not kept well, you can experience some problems such as poor acceleration or shifting of gears or an engine missing, and even some noise from under the hood.
That’s why it’s really important to keep your car in good and well-maintained condition. To avoid being stranded anywhere and having your vehicle damaged further, you should invest in regular maintenance services.
14 things that happen if a car is not serviced:

1. Car’s performance degrades
A lot of people do not know that the car’s performance is directly connected to the way the vehicle is maintained. Lack of regular maintenance services can affect your car’s performance, especially when you’re about to experience an accident.
By keeping your car well-maintained, you would be able to have a better driving experience, which in turn will be beneficial for your safety while driving.
2. Wasted fuel costs
A vehicle that is not well-maintained will use some extra fuel. You need to understand that extra gas would be used when the car takes less time to accelerate, or jerk or when it’s harder to shift gears smoothly.
Also, you must remember that the engine is the heart of the car. There’s a higher chance for it to break down if you don’t clean it regularly. It might be needing more fuel to boost engine power.
3. Fewer safety features are available

If you just keep your vehicle in a poor condition and not performing well, there’s a possibility that it might be featuring some safety features like anti-lock brakes or airbags that are not available in some models.
It will also increase the rate of accidents because the car would react accordingly to what’s happening outside on the road. You’ll be able to experience less responsive acceleration, jerkier shifting, and shorter braking distance.
4. Price reduction
If you keep your car in a poor condition and not performing well, you might only have a few years left to enjoy it. You might not be able to get the best value for your money if you’re purchasing it at a low price, to begin with.
It will cost more when you need to invest some money for regular maintenance services, which in turn would lower the value of the vehicle itself.
When you keep your car well-maintained, it will last longer, which means that its price won’t be reduced as much and you’ll get more money for the used vehicle’s market value.
5. Increased Wear and Tear
When you keep your car in poor condition, then the car parts will get worn out faster. You must remember that when the parts are not well-kept, they would continuously exposed to harsh environmental conditions, which would cause them to get damaged easily.
6. Decreased fuel efficiency

Unplanned repairs and failure of regular maintenance services will lower the fuel efficiency of your vehicle and make it more difficult for your engine to operate without problems.
It would also reduce the lifespan of the car engine so it is more likely for you to experience a leak in the fuel tank or oil pressure dropping lower than usual.
7. Expensive repairs
The damaged parts of a car that are not well-maintained would require more money for repair. Many things can be caused by bad maintenance, such as the car’s bodywork, engine and transmission are the most susceptible ones to suffer from malfunctioning and need expensive repairs.
8. Increased engine failure probability
If you do not perform regular maintenance on your car and keep it in a bad shape, it will be more likely for your engine to breakdown from mechanical errors which will eventually result in an expensive repair bill later on when you’re going to get it fixed again through professional mechanics or even roll back or reconditioning shop.
9. Decreased safety resulting in an increased risk of accidents

If you have a vehicle that is not well-maintained, then there’s a possibility that your car is not able to respond quickly to the actions of other vehicles.
The same goes for its drivers. You would be less likely to avoid an accident if the car can’t effectively respond immediately during an emergency on the road due to critical malfunctions.
10. Risk of an engine fire
If you keep your engine in a bad shape, you might be at risk of having an engine fire ignited on a hot day.
If safety measures like fire extinguishers are not available, the chances of having a car fire will be higher. The parts in the engine that are not well-maintained would cause it to get exposed to heat and flame which is why it is more susceptible to getting caught on fire while driving.
11. Costly Replacements
If you keep your car in a poor condition, then it’s more likely for its parts to break down when you’ll need to replace them on time. You would be required to take the car to a mechanic that can properly replace the parts that are worn out for the car to function properly again.
12. Environmentally Unfriendly

Increased pollution and a higher carbon footprint will result from using vehicles that are not well maintained.
Proper maintenance of cars is one of the best ways to reduce pollution, cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, save money, get better gas mileage and increase power along with safety for everyone on the roadways.
13. Stiffer suspension and poor handling
If you keep your car in a bad shape and not performing well, it’s going to have stiffer suspension and might not provide excellent handling after you hit bumps or potholes on the road causing an uncomfortable ride for passengers.
14. Increased risk of burglary and theft
If your vehicle is not in good condition, then they’re more likely to be stolen. A poorly maintained vehicle might be easy to break into and steal parts or components, which will result in a higher risk of not only burglary and theft but also an opportunity for criminals to do something illegal with the car.
Things That Happen If A Car Is Not Serviced Regularly – Conclusion

You need to perform regular maintenance on your vehicle for its parts to be clean and in good condition for optimal performance.
It is recommended that you plan for every service to avoid any major failure in the future. You should intend to preserve your car or truck for quite a long time through proper maintenance, especially if you paid a lot for it and hope to use it for a long time.